kraftwerk - Montage und Anschluss als Service


Quality products such as our combined heat and power units and the heat pumps we offer merit expert installation, set-up and commissioning. That is why we provide the key installation services directly ourselves and from our certified sales and service partners. You will benefit from experienced handling and clearly defined responsibilities.

On-site delivery

We ensure professional on-site delivery of CHP units and heat pumps, even under demanding conditions, whether they are installed in a simple boiler house, as a mobile solution, in container variants, in rooftop heating centres at dizzying heights or down in narrow cellars in old buildings.


We handle your Mephisto CHP unit’s professional installation to ensure that it is set up perfectly. Furthermore, we also ensure proper installation of the heat pumps we offer.


Once all installation work is complete, we integrate the controls into either a higher-level control system or Kraftwerk’s Direktor controller, and then commission the system. Thanks to the direct connection to our online Webgate and Webcontrol portals, the CHP unit and Direktor controller can be analysed from the outset and optimised further if necessary.